How to Use the API

The Following are basic examples of how to use the Connecticut Medicaid endpoint on any generic API platform.

The Connecticut Medicaid endpoint allows you make requests and view the FHIR responses with the different parameters available in this documentation. Note that there are static examples of requests and expected responses displayed on the Provider Search Endpoint Page. The example responses can be found below which include error response tabs to illustrate the meaning of each code.


To send an API request, set up a GET request using the URL provided on the next page. Enter the designated path parameter (practitionerrole) into the {resource} section of the URL. Then enter a value to be searched on using one of the designated parameters. Below each query parameter are instructions what value to enter to get desired results.


When ready send the GET request and view the response. The API has a limit of 10,000 records per response, so more broad searches that return large quantities of results will not exceed that number.